Willow Flycatchers still in Canon City
Yesterday, in addition to spending time with the Black Phoebes as reported, I checked the east section of the Canon City Riverwalk. I was interested in whether the Willow Flycatchers I heard a week ago might still be around and I hadn't been able to check earlier due to my injured knee. I was delighted to hear the "fitz-bew" call and it was repeated several times. It came from close to the river in a location that is still too difficult for me to access with my knee problem so I don't know if there was one or two birds calling. This is getting late enough (they do not nest until June, possible as late as mid-June per Colorado Breeding Bird Atlas)that they may be nesting here, which has not been previously documented.
In addition to two male Lazuli Buntings chasing each other (presumably in territory dispute), I saw a male hybrid Lazuli/Indigo Bunting with white underparts but all blue upperparts and head. Hybrid Lazuli/Indigos, though uncommon, are seen in the eastern half of Colorado.
Common birds calling included Yellow-breasted Chats, Common Yellowthroats, Yellow Warblers, Western Wood-Pewees, and Black-headed Grosbeak. All of these species nest in this riparian area.