Continuing Mountain Chickadee adventures

As much as I do prefer to see, and to photograph, birds in their truly natural setting I can't help but enjoy getting to view them up close and have more intimate interactions that are provided at feeders. That is probably why so many people feed birds and enjoy feeder-watching.
One of the things I decided several winters ago was that chickadees often learn to utilize those of us humans who feed them to provide feeding opportunities without harassment from other, and almost always, larger birds like House Sparrows and House Finches with which they compete for feeder food. I came to this realization when I observed that the chickadees in my yard would often gather at the feeders when I was near them. They seemed to "like" (a terribly anthropomorphic term) my presence near them when they were feeding. Then I realized that the other birds were less inclined to come to the feeders when I was near, leaving the chickadees unmolested access.
I have been making a concerted effort to spend a little more time near the feeders and I have been rewarded by very close views as the Mountain Chickadees come in repeatedly to pick up a seed or piece of a peanut while I stand nearby. When a House Sparrow gets brave enough to try to move in, I just walk a little closer and it will fly off--yes, I am biased in favor of the native, smaller, and timid chickadees.
This pic is good for enlargement by double-clicking that provides closer views of it's face, toenails, etc. SeEtta
Labels: Mountain Chickadee