Interesting view of Red-breasted Nuthatch's tongue

Oh, I just had to post this interesting pic of that Red-breasted Nuthatch because it shows the birds tongue. I have rarely seen, or photographed, a bird that shows it's tongue. The tongue is best viewed by double-clicking on the pic to enlarge it (though this puts much of the bird out of focus, the tongue is fairly clear). Much of it (at least on the underside that is visible in the pic) is surprisingly very pink (of course, I don't know what I would have expected).
Today the White-breasted Nuthatch was at my peanut feeder a lot, now that I just posted how I hadn't seen it. But it was shyer than the Red-breasted and I couldn't get a good pic of it.
Not only have we had a very warm fall in SE Colorado, but it has been very dry. My bird bath had dried up so I added some water. Wow, as soon as I walked away one of the Mountain Chickadees flew right down and began drinking--not just a sip or two, but sip after sip after sip. If there ever was demonstrable proof of the value of providing water for birds, this little bird provided it. SeEtta
Labels: Red-breasted Nuthatch