Prowers, Bent & Otero Counties

On my last day in the lower Arkansas valley on 5-8-06, I made one last and still unsuccessful try for the Magnolia Warbler at Lamar Woods. It was, however, again quite productive even if I couldn't find that rarity. I got the photo here of one of the Brown Thrashers. I found a quiet (because it was just migrating through?)Yellow-breasted Chat. There was also a Yellow Warbler there this day.
As I birded my way back upriver, I stopped at a private property and saw my first Bullock's Oriole, a male, of the season.
Next I drove through the north section of John Martin State Park in Bent County finding 12-15 Willets in the small pond behind the headquarters buidling, which hosted a single Scaled Quail was hanging out by the feeders. I scoped about 80-100 American White Pelican on the reservoir which seems like a very low number for this very large body of water.
Next I stopped at Lake Cheraw in Otero County. Approximately 30 Long-billed Dowitchers worked the mud flats with 5-10 a single Lesser Yellowlegs and one White-rumped Sandpiper (a rare vagrant in spring migration). Two Snowy Plovers scampered on the higher section while about 9-10 Wilson's Phalarope worked the deeper water.
I drove over to nearby Lake Holbrook, by now late afternoon. I was surprised to find a Green-tailed Towhee in an area with trees around the lakeshore. Five Lesser Yellowlegs worked the shore while 1 Eared Grebe and various waterfowl were further out in the water.
Then as dusk enveloped the area, I looked for Short-eared Owls in Otero County. I found one flying just before dark.
Note-The rainbow photo was actually taken 5-7-06 at Queens State Wildlife Area after the brief attempt at a thunderstorm blew through. Oops, I just realized I forgot to post that I had stopped at John Martin State Widlife Area on my way down at dusk and solicited calls from 1 Virginia and at least 2 Sora Rails.
I saw 95 species during these three days which involved hitting a good variety of habitats in 5 far southeast Colorado counties. This number would be higher if I were into trying to get the most species possible but I prefer to spend some time enjoying the birds and getting some photos. I read about a number of other species seen in these areas by other birders who were down also so I suspect there were more than 150 species possible in these counties. And there are still a number of birds that will be migrating into the area in the next few weeks adding more species.