SE Colorado Birding

Birding and discussion: A conservation-oriented birding blog that emphasizes low-impact birding and sustainable birding practices together with the enjoyment of birds. Southeast Colorado offers a diversity of habitats which provide premiere birding opportunities. Save Sabal Palm

Monday, May 01, 2006

URGENT ALERT-Am White Pelicans may be shot

I just found out late this afternoon that a property owner in Buena Vista has petitioned US Fish & Wildlife Service for a depradation permit to SHOOT AMERICAN WHITE PELICANS that are on his private pond (actually it is Ice Lake, though almost surrounded by a subdivision we birded it from a public place after last year's Audubon Rendezvous). There are apparently 65 American White Pelican that come to his pond because he stocks fish in it. They are eating his fish and that is why he wants to shoot them. And the wife is a real estate broker who is selling lots around Ice Lake that is advertized as having good fishing. Though protected under the International Migratory Bird Act, the US Fish & Wildlife Service can issue permits to kill protected species if they are depredating crops, etc.

These are the pelicans that have been displaced since Antero Reservoir was drained by Denver Water due to drought conditions in 2002 and DOW has not restocked it since then. These pelicans have nested at Antero for many years and since the reservoir has been dry, they have had to find other locations. In the past few years, they had returned to Canon City and stayed on one of our private ponds for several weeks before leaving the area. Apparently some of the pelicans found this pond in Buena Vista and now a large part of the flock is there.

There are two major issues: the birds are of conservation concern and the property owners have not put forth much effort to utilize non-lethal methods to get the pelicans off their pond. (Of course, I also think it is sad that these displaced birds are now subject to being killed because they found this location where they can eat-but this is not an issue that would sway agency staff) Apparently this property owner has used a shotgun to disperse the pelicans--and at least one pelican was found dead in a neighbor's yard, apparently shot inadvertantly during this harassment.

American White Pelican are a species of conservation concern. The "North American Waterbird Conservation Plan-Waterbird Conservation for the Americas" (authored by staff from US Fish & Wildlife Service, National Audubon Society, US Geological Service, Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences, BirdLife International and many more well respected organizations) lists American White Pelican as a species of 'MODERATE CONCERN"

We need to let the US Fish & Wildlife Service know that WE OPPOSE THEIR PERMITTING THE SHOOTING OF THESE AMERICAN WHITE PELICANS. I have been told that they will make likely make the decision soon and COULD ISSUE THE PERMIT TO SHOOT THIS WEEK.

Please send an email to the following address telling them in your own words that you oppose them issuing a permit for the property owner to shoot these American White Pelicans. They should issue a permit at all, and certainly not before the property owner puts forth much more effort to use non-lethal means to move them off their pond. Try to add something personal so the emails don't sound the same (like your experience with Am White Pelicans, why they are beutiful). If you are an Audubon member, please state that. If you are a birder, please state that and how often you travel around Colorado providing economic benefit to the state. Be sure to add your full name and address. And please send your email tonight if possible, tomorrow if not and as soon as you can. Please forward this to others.

Email your opposition to:


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