Pueblo Reservoir Christmas Bird Count
The Christmas Bird Count (CBC) at the Pueblo Reservoir, which was held last Saturday, produced a very high species count of 124. Per local Pueblo birder Brandon, this number is the second best number for this count. The highest for this count area, and the state record for any CBC, was 129.
The weather was very nice for this count with temps going up to the 50's. I took part in the count until 1:30 when I had to go finish getting ready for my trip to south Texas.
Again per Brandon, the following rarities were seen during the count: Least and Spotted Sandpipers, Glaucous Gull, Black Phoebe, Nashville and Savannah Warblers (rare to have any but Yellow-rumped Warblers here), and 4 Lesser Goldfinch (common during breeding season here).
Birds of special interest for our area that were seen during this count: 188 Scaled Quail, 1 Greater Roadrunner, 1 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, 3 Juniper Titmice, 53 Townsend's Solitaire, 874 Mountain Bluebirds, and 61 Canyon Towhees.