Late-ish Osprey and early-ish Am Dipper

I continue to see, and sometimes hear the thin cry, of a latish Osprey. Most Osprey leave the state by the middle of October according to "Colorado Birds." However we have had a very mild fall, with the first snow not falling until today, so lots of northern species like waterfowl are just still moving in so I guess this Osprey hasn't had a big need to move south. Today it perched on a large cottonwood overlooking not only the Arkansas River but also Four Mile Creek which is a major tributary. That is where I took this pic.
And I first saw an American Dipper on 10-15 on the Arkansas River adjacent to the Canon City Riverwalk. I didn't see the dipper today but heard a little of it's very melodic song.
There has been a lot of fresh bear scat on the Riverwalk which I have seen on the 5 times I have walked there this past week.
Labels: American Dipper, nesting Osprey