SE Colorado Birding

Birding and discussion: A conservation-oriented birding blog that emphasizes low-impact birding and sustainable birding practices together with the enjoyment of birds. Southeast Colorado offers a diversity of habitats which provide premiere birding opportunities. Save Sabal Palm

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Upper Arkansas update

I birded my way back from Vail where I attended a dinner last night, hitting a number of locations. I will summarize those locations:

Hayden Ranch-Leadville-just south of Leadville at around 10,000 feet; no fee
-Lincoln's Sparrow-1
-Blue-winged Teal-2
-Vesper Sparrow-1 singing, probably on territory
-White-crowned Sparrows-several

Kobe-Arkansas River Ranch Recreation Area--a little further south of Leadville, but
still close to 10,000 feet elevation; need parks pass
-Eastern Kingbird-1
-Yellow Warblers-several singing
-Redwing Blackbirds-several
-American Robins-several
-Common Grackles-several
-Red-tailed Hawk-1

Ice Lake in Buena Vista (this is the lake where the developers had requested a
depretory take permit; be sure you stay on road and don't trespass)
-American White Pelican-only 1 (DOW manager has been harassing with non-lethal)
-Common Goldeneye-1 male straggler remains (should be far north in Canada or Alaska)
-Cinnamon Teal-1 male
-Blue-winged Teal-several
-Yellow-headed Blackbirds-several
-Canada Geese-many
-Red-winged Blackbirds-many
(and more distant waterfowl too far to id)

CR47 bridge over Arkansas River-
-no dippers found this time; water very high due to runoff and no rocks for perching

Vallie bridge-
-American Dipper-1 adult feeding 1 fledgling

Texas Creek bridge-
-American Dipper-1 adult and 1 fledgling; adult spent time under bridge so maybe
feeding another/more fledglings or have nestlings still there

And I located 1 Black Phoebe in western Fremont County but have time to check 2nd location.


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