SE Colorado Birding

Birding and discussion: A conservation-oriented birding blog that emphasizes low-impact birding and sustainable birding practices together with the enjoyment of birds. Southeast Colorado offers a diversity of habitats which provide premiere birding opportunities. Save Sabal Palm

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Colorado Springs

Before leaving for Colorado Springs I was serenaded by a Gray Catbird in my backyard. Two years ago a pair of catbirds nested next to a window, providing me with a front-row seat for their nest building, sharing of chores, hatching of eggs and watching the nestlings grow. Last year they nested somewhere nearby in my neighborhood, visiting my yard frequently. I would be delighted to host their nest again.

While in Colorado Spring this afternoon, I took the opportunity to do a little birding. I haven't had the chance to do any birding there in a while. There are some interesting and productive birding areas right in and around the city.

Fountain Creek Nature Center, just south of Colorado Springs, has a history of some good bird diversity especially during spring migration. I was astounded to see more than 15 Swainson's Thrushes (maybe even 20) on one side of their Nature Center! I ran into some birders who told me they were part of the International Migratory Bird Day count group yesterday that found a Grey-cheeked Thrush (a big rarity here). One of the birders said that there were more Swainson's Thrushes on the south side of the Nature Center but I had very limited time so couldn't check it out and didn't see the Grey-cheeked Trush.

I also got the opportunity in the late afternoon to do some birding along the Colorado Trail as it follows Monument Creek in a great green-belt. I entered at the Woodman Rd trailhead, an area I have never been on before. I was quite impressed as it winds up and down some hills adjacent to Monument Creek with mixed pine habitat. I saw several Spotted Towhees, a species quite common in many parks and trail areas in Colorado Springs. I heard a number of Yellow Warblers and House Wrens singing near the creek and caught site of a Common Yellowthroat as it skulked away from me. I was surprised to come upon 2 Spotted Sandpipers along the muddy edges of the creek. A Red-tailed Hawk soared over while Black-tailed Magpies flew back and forth, stopping to check me and my dogs out.


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