Lamar Woods
Lamar Woods, behind the Lamar Jr College, is a hotspot for rarities during spring migration. Now that landbird migration is pretty well over with in Colorado, those whose focus on rarities tend not to interested in this area. But those of us less focussed on rarities find this area worth visiting.
For those of us who live in the west, two good reasons for birding this area are the Red-bellied and Red-headed Woodpeckers that breed there. This morning I saw 1 Red-headed Woodpecker flying and a male Red-bellied Woodpecker calling from a cottonwood tree near a cavity that might be a nesting location..
One or two Red-eyed Vireos were singing while two Mississippi Kites flew overhead. 2-3 Brown Thrashers called from various locations prompting a barrage of hostile calls and mobbing by several other species. And the local Blue Jays joined in this loud rebuke, though they may have been just celebrating the fact they were not the recipients of this mobbing for a change.
I heard an Olive-sided Flycatcher calling but could not locate it. I saw at least one female Indigo Bunting, a species that nests in this area.