Black Phoebe feeding photo

I returned this morning with my friend Erik to the area where I saw Black Phoebes yesterday. I took this photo of a fledgling Black Phoebe begging to be fed by the adult holding a large insect. The brown/rusty edges on the fledgling's wings and back feathers does not show in the photo (probably due to light conditions)but do appear lighter. The fledgling's orange beak makes an easy target for parent's to place food.
We were unable to refind the Yellow-billed Cuckoo. A single White-faced Ibis flew down river.
At dusk tonight while trying to walk my dogs at my friend's farm between continuing bursts of rain showers (now almost 5 inches in past 10 days!), I heard a Sora Rail winnowing in one of the farm ponds. That made a nice ending to the day.