SE Colorado Birding

Birding and discussion: A conservation-oriented birding blog that emphasizes low-impact birding and sustainable birding practices together with the enjoyment of birds. Southeast Colorado offers a diversity of habitats which provide premiere birding opportunities. Save Sabal Palm

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Lamar birds

I have had some computer problems so wasn't able to post yesterday's birding. I found 3 Western Bluebirds in Lamar's Fairmont Cemetery yesterday--this is very far east for this bird (though they strayed into Kansas). Though much less unusual, a Hairy Woodpecker worked the many trees in this cemetery which is known for having unusual birds.

Though Fairmont Cemetery is not very large, there were 2 Red-tailed Hawks in the trees there. They were apparently used to avoiding the people who visit graves or who walk there as each of them glided from tree to tree to avoid me as I walked around. I also saw a Sharp-shinned Hawk fly over.

In the Spring Creek riparian area I found a Lincoln's Sparrow. And I saw a latish Osprey fished in this small stream. There were lots of White-crowned Sparrows and Juncos calling in the brushy areas.

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