This female Downy Woodpecker was working hard this morning probing for goodies under tree bark of some big, old cottonwood trees.
Labels: Downy Woodpecker, Lippis Farms
Birding and discussion: A conservation-oriented birding blog that emphasizes low-impact birding and sustainable birding practices together with the enjoyment of birds. Southeast Colorado offers a diversity of habitats which provide premiere birding opportunities.
Labels: Downy Woodpecker, Lippis Farms
Labels: Am White Pelicans, Canon City
Labels: Canon City Riverwalk, coyote, noise pollution
Labels: Cliff Swallows, Joey's
Labels: Bewick's Wren, Joe's Farm
Labels: Canon City Riverwalk, Red-eyed Vireo
Labels: Canon City Riverwalk, Red-eyed Vireo
Labels: Black Phoebe, Canon City Riverwalk, Carolina Wren, Common Goldeneye, Eastern Phoebe
Labels: Black Phoebe, W. Fremont Co.
Labels: ChaffeeCo., Wilson's Snipe
Labels: Common Green Darner, Thurston Res
Labels: Lamar, Mississippi Kites
A study recently published in National Geographic News online found that that the West Nile Virus had serious impacts on species that associate with humans, Black-capped Chickadees and American Robins, very hard.
Labels: West Nile virus
Labels: Mississippi Kites
Labels: Baca Co, Lark Bunting
Labels: Lamar Woods, Red-headed Woodpecker
Labels: Lamar Woods, Red-headed Woodpecker
Indeed, SE Colorado is a small place at least population-wise (though certainly not in it's physical size) with all the towns fairly small. I stopped in Rocky Ford on my way down to Lamar and went into the town library (a very nice, new building with a number of computers that access the internet) to check my email as I often do when in the area.
Labels: Rocky Ford
Labels: Inca Doves, Rocky Ford, White-winged Doves
In response to the previous post on the goose I found sitting on the rock tower, a friend emailed me that she has a Canada Goose "perching on the trunk of a cottonwood tree 6 stories up by my apartment -- so the oddity does re-occur!"
Labels: high-sitting geese
Labels: Eastern Kingbird
Labels: Canon City Riverwalk, Western Tanager
While on the east section of the Canon City Riverwalk this morning, I heard a Carolina Wren singing. Likely the same wren I heard 3 days ago, it sang a song pretty close to what I heard then. Interestingly, the songs I have heard on this far eastern end of the Riverwalk are different from the Carolina Wren songs I have heard on the west end of the Riverwalk with the closest wren singing near the Rec District parking area which is more than a mile away. The furthest wren on the west side would be close to 2 miles from where I heard this wren singing.
Labels: "Carolina Wren", Canon City Riverwalk-E
(Photo: C. Machtans; Environment Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service)
On May 9 I heard a Carolina Wren singing on the far end of the east section of the Canon City Riverwalk. This is more than a mile away from where the closest Carolina Wren has been seen on the west section of the Riverwalk near the Rec District parking lot.
Labels: Canon City Riverwalk-E, Carolina Wren, Northern Waterthrush
Labels: E. Fremont Co., Lewis' Woodpecker
Labels: Pueblo Reservoir, Whimbrel